Digital Odisha: A short statical representation

 Digital Odisha: 

The state Odisha still remains untouched in terms of development. The irony is its capital is one of planned smart city of India.

It is the only hope that a state has till date.

The Odisha state falls below the national average in the reach of internet. 29 percent of its people have internet connection as compared to national average 40 percent.

Out of 51,311 villages of Odisha 11,000 villages are still untouched from internet facility and from this 10,000 village fall in left extremist category.

Introduction of digital India paid its dividend country providing employment and information to country. There are many ways to you can earn independently.

 Scheme helps to Booming Digital Marketing industry in many parts of the country. Odisha still remain untouched from the self employed industry.

   Jio leading the digital India scheme have got success in gaining more than 50 percent market share in the region Odisha.

The internet penetration in last few years in urban Odisha closes to 80 percent where as rural Odisha it closes to 40 percent.

Almost more than65 percent uses mobile internet followed by broadband.

The state needs a lot of investment to grow rapidally in its electronic telecommunication sector to provide high speed internet.

As very few people have internet connection this effects divide of govt. educational institution in two categories.

One who have the internet facility can easily avail the education and get engaged with the schools.

Almost 70 percent student lacks internet facility and the results they have no connection with school in this pandemic.


The state lagging behind in internet connection could cost a lot in upcoming years. The lack of internet will make Odisha youth left behind from other state in terms of technology and Information.